
Boa-Listen To My Heart

LISTEN TO MY HEART(English Version)
Lyrics:Yuko Ebine Music:Kazuhiro Hara

Woe Baby what can you see in your eyes
Across an advanced wind yeah
What imagine at the sky?
What do you, do you want? Do you need?

Oh Baby when we're sad, we're bad
I phoned to you midnight call yeah
But I know it's never change
Yes, every lonliness is never die

(never say ever say never ever say)
Whenever time has gone
We found the many things
(every night every night never ever say)
The heart is never end, never ever never end

Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream
Happy shining place woe that you want
Baby are you free? Baby are you sad?
Do you wanna have me live with you?

Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream
Now we stand amid contrary wind
I believe you now
You can work it out
Dreams come true

Woe Baby it's just the same after all
"It's no use crying over spilled milk"
This word is a commonplace
But now I say to, say to you

Oh Baby, I can't say "fall in love"
Because it is heavy heart for me
But I wanna gaze at you
Please gaze at me tonight, forever more

(never say ever say never ever say)
If we'll part if you'll say good-bye to me
(every night every night never ever say)
I'll never forget you never forget your eyes

Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream
Maybe it's a long and winding road
Can I come across? Can I satisfy?
Can I have a kindly look and heart?

Listen to my heart, looking for your dream
There is a place where we can go
Wind is blowing so gentle like your smile
Dreams come true

(never say ever say never ever say)
Whenever time has gone
We found the many things
(every night every night never ever say)
The heart is never end, never ever never end

Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream
Happy shining place woe that you want
Baby are you free? Baby are you sad?
Do you wanna have me live with you?

Listen to my heart, Looking for your dream
Now we stand amid contrary wind
I believe you now
You can work it out
Dreams come true

話說啊 人
遇到了一個喜歡的女生 就全然不一樣啦
他。 人很熱心,且很幽默風趣又帶點白目=>是的 就是他
但是 就他的網誌看來嘛....

呵呵 也不能說是龜掉啦 就是...
你知道的 一定會無法表現的落落大方啊

當然 既然是所謂人之常情
常常會自己的好朋友面前 說說笑笑
不過 遇到自己呷意的 卻整個人一本正經樣
搞得連自己都覺得很不自然 哈哈

當然 要學習著要改啊
每天都要嘻嘻哈哈的過生活 就感覺超棒的啊

「痛苦也是過一天 快樂也是過一天 那 為何不就讓快樂 充滿著你一天的生活呢」

Great.. 那。 要說到做到吧:)

X'mas 的排練進入最後階段
當然 今天也只是第一天練習
剩下四天啊啊啊 冏~~~
不過 第一次排練的感覺就覺得很爆笑了
Good... 這也許是我目前所參加最大的xmas party囉
期待ing ..^_^

「少了一個機會 就要再充實自己」
因為少了一個機會 所以 你就必需再充實自己
試著 加強 再加強 自己的skill
然後~ 等著有一天 成果的驗收
你曾經付出過 那種感覺 就是不一樣
且 還可以使自己更加的成長 茁壯

當然 目前 仍是停留在加強階段
等我。如果可以的話 請等我
回去之後吧 在高科大的一切 都只是幻覺般的夢吧...

一段 可以讓自己真正瞭解到想要的夢


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